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Meet the SNUG members

The SNUG staff consists of NMR PI, lecturers, fellows, managers and technicians. Find out more about the members below.

University of Aberdeen

School of natural and computing sciences


Prof Marcel JasparsChair in Chemistry FRSE, FRSC, CChem, Head of NMR

Keywords: Marine, natural products

My premise is that we can infer the true biological/ecological function of a natural product by careful study of its form using spectroscopic and physicochemical techniques.


Visit my research page


Beatson Insitute for Cancer Research

Drug Discovery

Dr Kenneth Cameron, Senior NMR Scientist

Keywords: Structural biology, drug discovery

Our goal is to establish an integrated, industry-standard drug discovery programme to translate basic biology research from the Beatson and other CRUK centres into medicines for the treatment of cancer.


University of Dundee

School of Life Sciences, Drug Discovery Unit


Olga Semenova, Analytical Chemist

Keywords: Drug Discovery, BioNMR, benchtop NMR, small molecules, hyperpolarised NMR

Dundee, DDU

A research scientist specialised in hyperpolarised NMR, structure elucidation and solution conformations of small molecules by NMR and quality control. Currently trained on protein assignments and structure determination by solution NMR. 


Denise Pryde, Structural Biology and Biophysics Scientist

Keywords: Drug discovery, protein-ligand interaction, Protein Structure

Dundee, CeTPD

University of Dundee

School of Life Sciences, Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation


Keywords: Biomolecular NMR, drug discovery, integrative structural biology

Keywords: Structural Biology, NMR

Edinburgh Biology

University of Edinburgh

School of Biology

Prof Paul Barlow, Chair of structural biology, 

Head of Institute of Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Keywords: complement system, structural biology, immunology


Our main interest lies in proteins of the complement system. Overzealous or inappropriate  complement activation is responsible for many of the debilitating symptoms of a multitude of inflammatory disorders. We are best known for our work on complement control protein (CCP) modules (aka as SCRs and sushi domains), which are the most common structural units within complement proteins.

Dr Janice Bramham, Lecturer in biology

Keywords: Protein structure, protein interactions, biophysical characterisation


I am interested in the 3D structures, intrinsic dynamics and intermolecular interactions of biological macromolecules with the ultimate aim of understanding their structure-function relationships. I work on a diverse range of molecules, from proteins involved in the human disease, e.g. in the complement system and in bone diseases, to insect proteins as targets for improving crop yields.

I am aligned with the NMR facilty in the School of Chemistry and with the Protein Production Facility in the School of Biological Sciences.

Edinburgh Chemistry

University of Edinburgh

School of Chemistry

Prof Dusan Uhrin, Chair of NMR Spectroscopy, Head of NMR Facility

Keywords: pulse sequence development, complex mixtures, carbohydrates, protein-carbohydrate interactions, reaction kinetics


My research interests are in the development and application of NMR spectroscopy to the structure elucidation of molecules in solution. More specifically, I study natural complex mixtures such as dissolved organic matter, man-made mixtures e.g. beverages such as Scotch Whisky, structure function and conformation of marine polysaccharides, and protein-carbohydrate interactions. I develop new NMR methodology including pulse sequences for  reaction monitoring.


Visit my research page.

Prof Guy Lloyd-Jones FRS, Forbes Chair and Head of Organic Chemistry

Keywords: Mechanism, Stop-Flow Techniques, Isotopes, Kinetics


We investigate Reaction Mechanism in the context of Synthetic Methodology and Catalysis. Intrinsic to this is the development of new tools for physical organic chemistry, including numerous stop-flow and quench-flow spectroscopic techniques.


Visit my research page 

Dr Nicholle Bell, NERC Soil Security Research Fellow

Keywords: organic soils, nD NMR, complex mixtures structure determination


From filtering our drinking water to acting as a sink for carbon organic rich soils, such as peat, are vital to ecosytem services. My goal is to use NMR to investigate the molecular signature of soil organic matter in order to help  maintain and restore organic rich soils to allow them to perform their many functions.

Juraj Bella, NMR manager

Keywords: NMR spectrometer hardware, software maintence

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Dr Andrew Hall, NMR facility manager

Keywords: NMR spectrometer hardware, software maintence

Dr Lorna Murray, NMR technician


EPP (Edinburgh Pharmaceutical Processes) Ltd


Dr David Tredgett, Director of Chemistry

Keywords: Contract research, synthesis, structure determination, NMR, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)


EPP Ltd is a Contract Research Organisation specialising in analytical and screening, physico-chemical testing, and research & development. We have our own in-house, GLP compliant, NMR facility to support all aspects of our R&D work including the synthesis of NMR certified reference standards.


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Glasgow Biology

University of Glasgow

Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology

Dr Brian O. Smith, Senior Lecturer, Head of NMR Facility

Keywords: Protein structure, protein dynamics, protein-protein interactions, protein-ligand interactions


I use NMR as a tool to understand complex biological processes at the molecular level. My research covers a broad range of topics including natural surfactant proteins, sensors of inorganic stimuli (e.g. light, inorganic ions), and lipid binding proteins. I use NMR to determine the 3D structures of proteins and nucleic acids, and to probe their dynamics and interactions.

Glasgow Chemistry

University of Glasgow

School of Chemistry


Keywords: NMR service


Heriot-Watt University

Institute of Chemical Sciences


Keywords: NMR spectroscopy, whisky, gin, flow chemistry.


The HW NMR unit supports research groups within the Institute of Chemical Sciences and elsewhere in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Dave's research interests revolve around the analysis of alcoholic beverages, specifically gins  and Scotch Whisky with a view to identifying an alternative to the use of peat in the manufacture of Scotch. He is also heavily involved in the application of NMR to monitoring in continuous flow and the creation of autonomous systems for biosynthesis and biocatalysis in flow.


Megan Lennie, NMR Technician


St Andrews Biology

University of St Andrews

School of Biology

Dr Uli Schwarz-Linek, Senior Lecturer

Keywords: Proteins, infections, protein interactions

We investigate the molecular basis for the subversion of host cell signalling and uptake processes by Streptococcus pyogenes and the autoimmune response triggered by some streptococcal infections.

St Andrews Chemistry

University of St Andrews

School of Chemistry

Keywords: Self-Assembly and Self-Replication Processes


Our Research Group is concerned with the study of non-covalent interactions at a fundamental level and the application of this knowledge in the transfer of concepts from biology to chemistry. We are interested in developing synthetic routes to complex mesomolecular systems through the programmed application of a fundamental understanding of non-covalent interactions in self-assembly and self-replication processes. Our research involves the interplay of experimental and computational methods - including synthetic chemistry, NMR spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations - for the design and construction of these systems. 

Dr Tomas Lebl, Senior Scientific Officer, NMR manager

Keywords: NOMAD, natural products, lignin modifications, organotin compounds


My role is to run the liquid state NMR facility in St Andrews and participate in various projects as a liquid state NMR specialist. We provide a broad portfolio of experiments for elucidation of structures, dynamics and kinetics of molecules in solution

Prof Sharon Ashbrook, FRSE, FRSC, Chair in Physical Chemistry,

Keywords: solid state NMR, high-pressure minerals, microporous framework materials, first principle calculations, ceramics, quadrupolar nuclei.

Our research aims to combine NMR spectroscopy with first-principles calculations to investigate structure, disorder and dynamics in the solid state. Research involves the development of new experiments, implementation and improvement of existing experiments and the application to systems of interest in chemistry, geology and materials science. Particular emphasis is given to nuclei which possess a nuclear electric quadrupole moment, such as 17-O, 23-Na or 27-Al, which account for over 75% of all NMR-accessible nuclides. Current areas of interest include high-pressure minerals, microporous framework materials and ceramic materials proposed for the encapsulation of nuclear waste.

Dr Daniel Dawson, NMR manager

Keywords: solid state NMR,

My role is to run the solid state NMR facility in St Andrews and participate in various projects as a solid state NMR specialist.


University of Strathclyde

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Dr John A. Parkinson, Senior Research Fellow, Head of NMR Facility

Keywords: Biomolecules, complex mixtures, DNA, NMR methods


My interests lie in the fields of (bio)molecular structure, recognition and reactivity, molecular self-assembly, reaction monitoring, studies of small molecule structure and dynamics and applications of NMR diffusometry, pureshift and related methods for understanding data from complex mixtures to complex structures. I works closely with the medicinal chemistry group working on the development of new DNA minor-groove binding molecules with antibiotic activity.  A major theme that has emerged in recent years has been the investigation by NMR spectroscopy of enzyme reaction systems in the context of venoms from bees and snakes in close collaboration with Dr. Mark Dufton  and Dr. David Watson.

Mr Craig Irvine, NMR Technician

Keywords: NMR service




University of the West of Scotland

School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences

West of Scotland

Dr Mostafa Rateb, Lecturer in Natural Product Chemistry

Keywords: NMR service



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