Scottish NMR Users Group
SNUG services
SNUG members actively engage with industrial and governmental researchers to provide:
Routine measurement of NMR spectra
Our staff can measure NMR spectra for you or train you to measure your own spectra in automation or in a manual mode to insure efficient turnover and to satisfy specific sample requirements.
Members of SNUG also provide a more in depth service that includes full sample preparation, measurement and most importantly interpretation of NMR spectra.
Long-term collaborations are best supported by industrial PhD students or postdoctoral researchers funded via Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, Innovation centres or UK Research Councils.
SNUG members have a range of expertise. Find out more from our People and Specialisation pages.
To support our work, SNUG members are managing equipment in excess of £10 million. To find out more about our capabilities, visit the SNUG facilities page.
Frequently asked questions
How can I find out if NMR is applicable to my research?
NMR is suitable for a range of applications. In order to find out how it can be used in your research/product development send us a message via our Contact Us page. Alternatively, look at the Specialisation pages and contact a SNUG facility directly; whichever you think is the closest match to your needs.
I want to use NMR in a particular facility; what is the process?
Find a contact in the SNUG Facilities pages at the beginning of planning your activity. It is best to approach us at this stage. Members will be able to advise on the form of collaboration best suited for a particular project, provide a timeline and associated costs. In case they are not able to deal with your request, they will advise which other NMR lab to contact.
How much does it cost to do NMR on my samples?
The costs vary slightly across different SNUG facilities because of different financial models, underlined by differing running costs of individual instruments. The charges also depend on how your research is funded, and will primarily be linked to the time it takes to acquire a spectrum. Acquisition of a 1D proton NMR spectrum (5-10 minutes) costs £10-20, whilst longer experiments accrue higher costs. Please contact the facility to find out about their exact charges.
How much compound do I need to obtain an NMR spectrum?
NMR is a relatively insensitive method and hundreds of micrograms to several milligrams are usually required to obtain solution state spectra. Longer accumulation can improve the quality of the spectra, but there is only so much that can be done if you only have micrograms of sample available. Solid state NMR needs tens to hundreds of milligrams of sample.
Please remember, NMR is a non-destructive method and you will get your sample back.