Scottish NMR Users Group
SNUG facilities
NMR can be performed in solution and in solid state. Most of our laboratories specialise in liquid state NMR, and we have one dedicated solid state lab, whilst a few have a dual capability. Several laboratories can acquire HR-MAS spectra of gels and compounds attached to beads.
It is customary to characterise the spectrometers by their proton resonance frequency. Increased frequency brings more sensitivity and resolution. Nevertheless, many questions can be answered by medium strength instruments, which are more common.
All of our laboratories provide standard high-level NMR analysis of samples. At the same time, each lab has expertise in certain areas. To find out the best match to your needs, visit the Specialisation page.
For more information about what each lab can provide, use the following links, or for a list of all the spectrometers possessed by members of SNUG, see below.
Beatson Institute for Cancer Research
University of Glasgow - Biology
University of Glasgow - Chemistry
University of the West of Scotland
Chemistry, University of Aberdeen
Beatson Institute for Cancer Research
Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
Liquid State NMR Facilities
Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
Life Sciences, University of Dundee
Chemistry, University of Glasgow
Chemistry, University of Aberdeen
Chemistry, University of Glasgow
Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
Chemistry, University of St Andrews
Physics, University of Edinburgh
Solid State NMR Facilities
Chemistry, University of St Andrews
Liquid State NMR Facilities
Solid State NMR Facilities